Summer Activities for Toddlers


Summer is in full swing and it's the perfect time to head outside and get some playtime in. Not sure what to do? We've got you covered with this super fun, summertime activities to keep your littles smiling all summer long!

Paint with Bubbles

Check out this cute and fun option! The kids are bound to have a blast blowing bubbles, combining colors and creating awesome paintings to hang on the fridge! Click the link to see what supplies you need and start experimenting!

Sidewalk Chalk Paint

There's nothing like painting and coloring with chalk in the summertime! Not only is it a super easy DIY, but clean up is simple as well. Use this recipe and you'll be creating in no time! The only hard part is deciding what to paint.

Water Sensory Bin

Have you ever heard of Aquatic therapy? It's what some therapists call using water for sensory (such as proprioceptive and vestibular) feedback, memory and coordination development. With the right tools, water sensory bins can be used for developing fine motor skills and to practice essential life skills too. Check out this page to find 30 different types of water sensory bins! Some of our favorites are the ocean sensory bin and the frozen sand scavenger hunt.

Outdoor Alphabet Match Game

Here's a great game where your littles will actually enjoy learning letter names! It's super easy to set up- all you'll need is some chalk, foam letters, a bug-catching net, and a small pool or large plastic tub. They'll be having a blast in no time, and not even realize that they're also learning!

Muddy Trucks: Clean the Cars!

Every once in a while, kids got a little messy!! Summertime is a perfect time to let them get dirty- with a hose just inches away! Gather your toy cars or trucks and have the kids have fun in the mud before making them all shiny and new again. Check out this post for instructions and get ready to get dirty!

Well there you have it; a few simple and fun activities for the littles to do outdoors during the summer! Make sure to follow us on Instagram and tag us if you tried any of these activities and don't forget to use sunscreen! ☀️