October Give: First Steps, LLC


For our October Give, we partnered with First Steps, LLC whichsupports new and expecting moms by providing free resources to help build better lives for low-income women and their children in Milwaukee County. We are proud to donate to the non-profit organization and help their community.​

At First Steps, they ensure you will find the help, respect, support, and guidance you need to get back on track and create a safe, stable life for your children. Their services are the "first steps" to making changes in your life for the better.

October Give: First Steps, LLC - Milwaukee

Photo source: First Steps, LLC - Milwaukee
The First Steps team have over 20 years of experience in leadership and education roles. They are women who came from low income backgrounds, and know firsthand that climbing out of poverty is a complex process that requires lots of support from a strong, dedicated community of friends and mentors. They are your long term support system.
First Steps delivers free baby and household items, helps their clients apply for state assistance programs, and can help with finding transportation and housing. They provide guidance on important caregiving topics, help women take the next step in furthering their education and career, and foster supportive friendships.
October Give: First Steps, LLC - Milwaukee
Photo source: First Steps, LLC - Milwaukee

We are proud to donate to an organization that works to support children and their families. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit their website.

Each month, Colored Organics donates to an organization helping families and children in need. To learn more about our past work, click here.