Newborn Checklist: Top Seven Essentials for Bringing Baby Home


Is baby on the way?! Be sure to pick up these top seven essentials for your little one; these items would be nice to have on hand when you return home with your new little bundle of joy.

Infant Gowns and Sleepers

These cozy organics are perfect for your newborn baby. Our infant gowns are a comfy and classic staple. These long sleeve gowns feature fold-over cuffs to keep baby warm and safe, as well as having a knot feature for easy diaper changes.

We also recommend our sleepers- the Emerson Organic Infant Sleeper is designed to provide a comfy and breathable layer that will keep your baby comfortable and cozy all day and night long. This sleeper features a front snap up seam, while the Aspen sleeper features leg snap up seams with backing, both for increased comfort and easy, hassle-free changes. View the different designs and colors here.

Diaper Bag with Diapers and Wipes

There will be countless changes in the days ahead and it’s best to be equipped with everything you need in a handy backpack or over the shoulder bag. Check out the Gentle Nursery to help you decide whether you want your little in cloth or disposable diapers. For more disposable diaper options check out The Honest Company for some options. Bonus? They've got super cute and versatile diaper bags as well.

Swaddle Blanket

Most newborns take solace in the soothing act of swaddling. The hospital may have blankets available, but they will likely get dirty and might not be very soft. Ourswaddle blanketsare a premium unisex baby blanket made of the softest organic cotton jersey, which is gentle on your newborn's skin.

Burp Cloth

Newborns spit up, a ton--after nearly every meal, and they eat every two hours! You'll need at least ten of these (trust me- you'll thank us later) for baby. You'll want a few in each room you'll be feeding baby - there's no such thing as being over-prepared!

Knotted Hats and Socks

Bring a hat and a few pairs of socks for your new bundle of joy. It may be cold in the hospital, and you’ll want to protect their delicate new skin and keep them warm. Check out our hat collection here and for socks check out these organic options!

Breast Pump and Bottles

If you plan on breastfeeding, a breast pump is an essential assistant. A pump is perfect for helping with stimulating milk production in those first days postpartum and allowing tired moms to rest up while their partner feeds baby with a bottle of breastmilk. Here you can find more information about breast pumping and what kind you should get.

Newborn Carseat

A snuggly, safe car seat is essential when leaving the hospital. Be sure to read through the instruction manual in the weeks before you’re due, make sure you know how to adjust the straps, and install the base in your car before your little is due to arrive! Check out this post to learn more about figuring out what car seat is right for you and your little.