January Feature: Room To Grow


This month, we’re sharing the love with Room To Grow. We are thrilled to kick off 2021 by working with them to alleviate stress and clothing insecurities for families in need.

Room To Grow offers structured coaching, material goods, and community connection to support parents and encourage their natural parenting strengths. Their goal is to ensure children in low-income families will thrive from the start with resources they otherwise might not have access to.

Colored Organics is donating youth and baby clothes to these families. The last thing parents need to worry about is ensuring their children are outfitted and warm for winter in the midst of a global pandemic.

What began in 1998 as a 500-square foot endeavor in Harlem has evolved into four different distribution sites across New York City and Boston, helping thousands of new parents.

In this preventative early-childhood program, parents visit Room to Grow every three months, starting during the third trimester of pregnancy and through the next three years. Each time, clinicians help in navigating the challenges and celebrate the joys of parenting.

At Colored Organics, we’re honored to partner with such an expansive, incredible program. To learn more about Room To Grow, visit their website at www.roomtogrow.org.