Featured Mom: Meet Nicole


We love following along with all your stories! Becoming a mom is a big and important step in each mother's life, and every mom has a different journey. We love to hear from you, the mom's behind it all, on what your daily life looks like in motherhood, the ups and downs that you face, and all the little moments. This month we're introducing you to Nicole, mom to two, photographer and thrifter.

Tell us a little about yourself!

Hello!My name is Nicole and I live in the middle of Canada in Saskatchewan with my husband and our two kids, Noah (3) and Olivia (1.5). We enjoy being outdoors, traveling, and photography. I love to create art and hopefully inspire people in many different ways.

Most rewarding thing about being a mama?

The most rewarding thing about being a mama is watching my kids grow, learn, and become kind and caring humans.

Love it! What was the most surprising thing you discovered about being a mom?

The most surprising part about being a mom was the amount of love you have for your kids, you never know what it’s like until you have them. I would die for my kids without a question.

What does self-care look like for you? How do you make time for yourself and what does that look like?

Self-care for me is getting out of the house by myself! I like to go grab a coffee, go browse some stores… of course now it doesn’t happen often with the whole pandemic going on but one day I’ll be able to do those things again.

What are some of your favorite activities to do with your babes?

I love to play at home with them, we do a lot of play dough, coloring, and going outside or to the park whenever it is nice out!

What mom chore would you forever outsource?

Dishes! Definitely dishes. Or just cleaning the kitchen in general. I feel like as an adult you are always just cleaning the kitchen.

Amen!! What is something that having a child has taught you?

Having a child has taught me so many things… My life is different in every single aspect and it has shown me that you can experience every emotion in a single day, even a single hour. Some days are hard but it is so worth it.

What advice would you give to an expecting mother?

I would say to let go, things won’t always go as planned and you won’t have as much control over situations, and some days you are just trying to make it through and that’s okay.

What’s your favorite thing about Colored Organics?

My favorite thing about Colored Organics is the fact that they are made with high-quality materials, they will last a long time, and they are easy to mix and match! I love solid colored pieces that can easily be worn again and again. My favorite is the sweatshirt and sweatpants set. Both are amazing and perfect for lounging in!

To follow along with Nicole and her lovely family, check out her Instagram.