August Give: ShareBaby


For our August Give, we partnered with ShareBaby which helps address the unmet basic needs of Baltimore's most vulnerable young children through the distribution of diapers and other essential items. We are proud to donate to the non-profit organization and help the Baltimore community.

Founded in November of 2014, the organization started by distributing a few hundred items each month through friends and family. ShareBaby now operates a fully equipped 9,000-sq. ft. warehouse, reliably delivering over 200,000 diapers and other essentials per month to more than 15,000 of Baltimore's most vulnerable children. They also offer a full pantry of baby supplies and gear for our more than60+ community partnersand work diligently to fill their customized wish lists.

August Give: ShareBaby

According to the NDBN Diaper Check 2023, "1 in 2 U.S. families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy." ShareBaby is taking action every day to combatdiaper needand material insecurity to alleviate stress, depression, and barriers to work for families, along with helping to reduce severe diaper rash, infection, and anxiety in the lives of the babies.

August Give: ShareBaby

We are proud to donate to an organization that works to support your children and their families. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit their website.

Each month, Colored Organics donates to an organization helping families and children in need. To learn more about our past work, click here.