Holiday Stress: 4 Ways to Help Your Children Cope


Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

Stress. It's something we're all too familiar with. As parents, we know how intense even small tasks can be when juggling kids, a job, and keeping a household out of (complete) chaos. The holiday season can be the most chaotic time of the year, and we aren't the only ones feeling the struggle.

While we're veterans to dealing with stress, it's often a new feeling for our children. Whether they're feeling anxious about a new experience or overwhelmed with their growing responsibilities, stress for our little ones is very real.

So, how do we help? Teaching our children how to approach these problems in healthy ways will create habits that will last long into their adult lives. The best gift you can give your family this year is the ability to sit back and truly enjoy each other. Here's a few easy ways to keep your kiddos calm amid the last few months of this crazy year.

photo by patticakewagner via InstagramPhoto by @patticakewagner via Instagram

1. Lead by example.

Often times, it's easy to let something small derail your whole day. Our kids are always observing, so it's important to show how you can accept a change or tough situation and continue on with a great attitude. The grocery store is sold out of turkeys? Your holiday gifts are on backorder? Deep breaths. It will all fall into place.

2. Create calm nighttime + morning routines.

Nothing throws a wrench in our routines like holiday plans. We're culprits of keeping ourselves awake all night wrapping gifts and baking for friends. However, sleep is incredibly important to reduce stress. One of the fast-tracks to a meltdown for our little ones is a late night or napless day. Creating small routines your kids can count on will help them start and end their days in peace. It could be as simple as a bedtime routine in the same order every night, or a special breakfast they can choose every morning.

3. Taking breaks.

By now, most of our children have likely been a part of some combination of virtual schooling. We're no strangers to Zoom meeting-fatigue, and our kids are the same. Giving them brain breaks is a great way to ensure they'll revisit their next task refreshed and ready. This can be a fun way to incorporate holiday activities into a normal day. 30 minutes outside building a snowman could be all they'll need to calm their bodies and brains.

4. Prepare them for mistakes.

Added baking soda instead of baking powder to the sugar cookies? Screw-ups happen. Especially when you're learning. Talking to your kids about mistakes is incredibly important. This way, they won't fear them, but learn how to take failure in stride and keep persevering. They might be stressed about finding the perfect gift for a friend or crafting the best snowflake. Talking with your kids about how mistakes are a learning process can lessen the stress surrounding it.

During these months of celebration, it's easy for all of us to get caught up in the little details instead of enjoying the moment. Here at Colored Organics, we're using this season to be mindful of the many stressors unique to our families' lives right now. This holiday is the perfect excuse to slow down and spend time with the ones we love.

Wherever and however you're celebrating, we wish you a cozy and stress-free holiday season!