July Give: Patriot Print Give Back With Operation Showers of Appreciation


Our July Give looked a little differently than our typical Monthly Give. In honor of Independence Day, we launched our Patriot Print mini-collection with the commitment to donate 20% of the proceeds to Operation Showers of Appreciation to support military families in need.

Military Family Sitting On Couch

Image courtesy of FatCamera on GettyImages

With the launch of this exclusive print, we are happy to have donated a total of $5,239.50.

Operation Showers of Appreciation has been assisting military families across the United States since 2006, hosting large-scale baby showers, putting together care packages, and offering resources to families to show their appreciation for the service they have done for our country.

As a public charity, Operation Showers of Appreciation runs solely from the donations they receive to support their programs. They are always looking for both monetary and in-kind donations for the families they serve.

We are proud to partner with such an incredible organization that is working to honor those that have served in the military and offering support to their families. To learn more, donate, or get involved,visit theirwebsite.