December Give: Room to Grow


For our December Give, we are proud to have partnered with Room to Grow to help support families raising babies born into low-income circumstances. We are proud to donate to the non-profit organization and help their community.​

Room to Growwas founded in 1998, with the vision that one day all parents will have "the resources they need to unlock their families' potential and become champions for babies and their community."

December Give: Room To Grow
Photo source: Room to Grow

Today, their program provides low-income families in Boston and New York City with parent coaching, free baby and toddler items, and community connections for support. They visit with families every three months for the first 3 years of their child's life to discuss the challenges of early childhood and ensure that their needs are met.

December Give: Room To Grow

Photo source: Room to Grow

We are proud to donate to an organization that works to support children and their families. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit their website.

Each month, Colored Organics donates to an organization helping families and children in need. To learn more about our past work, click here.