CO Mom Feature: World Edition - Meet Flora


Motherhood is a journey as unique as you are. Here at Colored Organics, we love to unite you together, even if it's only virtually, to share some wisdom and camaraderie on the rollercoaster journey of parenting. We are thrilled to take our CO Mom Features overseas and share stories of motherhood across the globe. For this month's feature, we are excited to introduce you to Flora and her little one, Rowan, from Northern Ireland!

What is your favorite part of living in Ireland?

It's home, it's safe and it's where I love to be.

What aspects of Ireland's history are you most hoping for your child to experience?

I live in Northern Ireland, so we have two sets of history to learn about and that's what I'm most excited for - him to learn why we are here and how we got here.

What values of life in Ireland do you want to instill in your child?

The sense of community - everyone smiles at everyone and always says hello. You could walk down the street and have a conversation with a stranger that you don't know and may never see again!

@mamaandrowan on Instagram

Are there any unique cultural norms there when it comes to raising an infant that might seem foreign to other countries?

They don't go to school until they are 5 or nearly 5.

What language(s) do you and your family speak? What language do you want your child to learn as they grow?

We speak English - I want him to learn French and Spanish too as that's what I learned.

What are your essentials for raising an infant?

Love, care and compassion - love everyone equally.

@mamaandrowan on Instagram

You have a whole day with you + your child to explore your city. What’s on your dream agenda?

Coffee, park, lunch at the local cafe, soft play, play in the garden and then a yummy homemade dinner and snuggles after bath before bed.

What day-to-day activities do you like to do with your child? What are some of your favorite local spots to hang out?

We have a gorgeous local cafe and we are so blessed with so many amazing parks / wildlife trails to explore.

To follow along with Flora's motherhood journey, follow her onInstagram!