April Give: Helping Mamas


For our April Give, we partnered with Helping Mamas to help provide essential baby items and menstrual products to mothers in need. We are proud to donate baby and children's clothing to an organization that works to connect "helping mamas" with mothers in need of support.

Helping Mamas was founded by social worker, Jamie Lackey, when she noticed that there was a serious gap in services providing baby items and period products to mothers in Georgia and East Tennessee. She saw her community struggling and knew she had to do something about it. Helping Mamas started in Jamie's garage, as she gathered baby items from friends and family members, distributing them to other social workers in the area.

Helping Mamas

Image courtesy of Helping Mamas.

Today, they serve over 60,000 children a year and distribute nearly 2 million essential items to the community. In Atlanta alone, Helping Mamas works with over 150 partner agencies across the state to supply mothers in need with essential items like diapers, car seats, pack-n-plays, clothing, and hygiene items. In addition to their baby supply bank, they work to address period poverty amongst mothers and menstruating people by working with school districts, shelters, and health departments to distribute period products to those in need.

We are proud to donate our soft, organic cotton clothing to an organization that works to connect mothers in the community so that every family can have their needs met. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit theirwebsite here.

Each month, Colored Organics donates to an organization helping families and children in need. To learn more about our past work, clickhere.